Finding a University
We hand-pick the right universities and colleges to offer you the best fit for your personal and educational profile. Choosing the right institution is probably the most important decision you’ll ever make, and one that will affect the course of your personal and professional life for years to come.
We choose places of study on the basis of location, facilities, culture and a range of other factors, and we always endeavour to find the best fit for students on the basis of affordability, aptitude and aspiration.

Embark on your career path with confidence
Clients are offered interactive sessions with counsellors, during which the key features of institutions are presented and short-listed, helping you to come to the right decision for your educational future.
We help you understand all the major, internationally recognised testing requirements such as TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT; become familiar with essay and statement of purpose requirements; and understand the value of personal recommendations in adding value to a good application form.
Interviews can be a daunting process and can make or break a good application form. Top engineering or business schools may insist on talking to you – either face to face or by telephone – before they reach a decision.
We can help you give the best account of yourself possible to justify all the hard work you’ve put in to fulfil your academic ambitions.

We represent a host of universities and colleges in Europe
And if you’re lucky enough to receive a firm letter of offer, we’ll guide you to the appropriate contacts in embassies and consulates to ease your path to your place of learning.
Our principals include:
- Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK
- Belfast Metropolitan College, Northern Ireland, UK
- South Eastern Regional College, Northern Ireland, UK
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Masaryk University, Masaryk, Czech Republic
- Pleven Medical University, Bulgaria
- Pecs, Hungary
- Szeged Uni, Hungary
- Semmelweis Uni, Hungary
- Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland.